Firefly For Freedonia!

Hail hail Freedonia and hail hail to our President Rupert T. Firefly. Mrs. Teasdale may have forced the Freedonian government to appoint President Firefly, it is now time to reconfirm her choice. Firefly not only saved our great nation from bankruptcy but he also crushed the treacherous Sylvanians. The path forward is clear, Firefly now and Firefly forever!

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Read all the latest news from the campaign trail and President Firefly's continued successes. See stories on Abkhaz stamps, interviews with the President, and public art typical Freedonian citizens are making to honor our great leader.


View the Firefly Platform for successes and prosperity. Thanks to the revolutionary Groucho-Marxist Philosophy that President Firefly pioneered Freedonia will see continued bright days.


Review our President's amazing achievements in his last term such as beating the Slyvanian menace to balancing the budget to getting the common people involved in government.